France Travail which replaces Pôle emploi: what will change?

France Travail which replaces Pole emploi what will change

This Monday, in a speech that was to make people forget the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron announced that he wanted to change “life at work”. The keystone of this vast project: the transformation of Pôle emploi, at a time of full employment. The government wants to change the name of the institution and its missions by the end of May.

Before opening the debates, the executive launched a prefiguration mission, led by the High Commissioner for Employment Thibaut Guilluy for 8 months. Its results were revealed in multiple media, while a report must be submitted to the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt this Wednesday. Reorganizations, new priority and reform of the RSA… The Express make the point.

Why reform Pôle Emploi?

Emmanuel Macron repeats that he wants to achieve full employment, i.e. 5% of unemployment, by 2027. While it is currently at 7%, and down over Macron’s first five-year term, we must now work on “unemployment jobs”. provided”, for lack of candidates, and “reduce recruitment times”, considers the rapporteur Thibaut Guilly. More than “3 million hiring intentions do not find takers”, in 2023, is it particularly deplored in the report.

Behind this change of name, the government therefore wants to reorient the institution towards these missions. Hence the transition from a “Pôle emploi”, to a “France Travail”, which would also be available for the local missions which would become “France Travail jeunes”, and Cap emploi “France Travail handicap”, in particular. A way to federate these branches. With this reorganization, the executive wishes to inject more collaboration between them.

Get closer to the reality of employment areas and invest

A France Travail committee would also be created to harmonize actions at the level of employment areas, departments and regions. “Given the dispersion of actors and responsibilities, no actor, not even the State, is today able to identify all the unemployed people on its territory”, explains the report. Reorganizing is not enough. The report recommends between 2.3 and 2.7 billion euros of investment between 2024 and 2026, in addition to existing budgets.

Behind France Travail, a reform of the RSA

The government wants the beneficiaries of the RSA to meet duties, wanted by Emmanuel Macron. If the reform passes, they should then follow “fifteen to twenty hours” of training, with the aim of integration, managed by France Travail. A measure which had already been sketched out by Emmanuel Macron, and which caused part of the opposition to jump, who saw it as a “condition for solidarity”.

The measure has already been tested in 18 employment areas. “The experiments should allow us to specify the most effective support methods, to target them properly and to equip the actors so that the cooperation is fully effective”, specifies the report. Still, according to the rapporteur, not enough budgetary effort is made on this issue of the integration of RSA beneficiaries.
