France: one year after the #MeTooInceste movement, where is the freedom of speech?

France one year after the MeTooInceste movement where is the

A year ago, France witnessed a new movement for the liberation of speech, that of victims of incest. At the origin of this shock wave, the publication of a difficult, but necessary book: La Familia Grande, by Camille Kouchner (Seuil editions).

The lawyer tells the story of the incest suffered by her twin brother in adolescence, victim of their stepfather, the recognized political scientist Olivier Duhamel. If the case gives rise to an investigation closed without prescription, it nevertheless allows thousands of people to come out of silence. It will also have raised the awareness of the public authorities. In the weeks following the publication of this shocking book, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the creation of an independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (CIIVISE). This commission is launching today a call for testimonies, intended for victims of sexual violence in their childhood within an institution. One year later, where is the freedom of speech, especially that of children?

Decryption with:

Edouard Durand, juvenile judge. Co-president of the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (CIIVISE).

Laurent Boyet, founding president of the association The butterflies, child protection association, member of CIIVISE, author of Non-assistance to children in danger (The Duke), to be released in March and All the brothers do like this (Hugo Doc).

