France mocks Macron! It’s all theater

France mocks Macron Its all theater

According to the news of France Inter radio, Macron, who said that he preferred dialogue with the French people instead of arguing with his opponents, started his election campaign with an event attended by about 250 people in the Paris suburb of Poissy.


At the event in Poissy, where Karl Olive, one of the supporters of the French President, was the mayor, the fake interest in Macron and his words being interrupted by applause did not escape the attention of the journalists.

In the news, it was shared with photographs that the questions posed to Macron by the voters were carefully prepared and written in advance at the event, which was organized in the form of questions and answers, and papers about who would ask each question were distributed to the participants.


Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Unity (RN) party, one of the president’s closest rivals, stated that Macron’s dialogue with his people, who refused to argue with his opponents, was carefully prepared in advance and said, “Our democracy deserves real discussions. Macronist theaters are enough!” used the phrase.

Noting that one of the presidential candidates, Jean Lassalle, went to de Poissy and wanted to enter the hall, but was not allowed in, he said, “Long live democracy! He started his campaign hard. With a public debate that was not very public.” made his comment.
