France is the first country in the world to crack down on fast fashion – Shein and Temu advertising is going to be banned | Foreign countries

France is the first country in the world to crack

Annastiina Heikkilä’s video letter opens a pending law in France that would limit the sale of cheap fashion and prohibit its marketing.

Annastiina HeikkiläFrench journalist


Here are three interesting points from the video letter:

  • France is planning a law that would limit the sale and marketing of ultra-fast fashion.
  • Even in France, mainly Chinese ultra-fast fashion has challenged traditional fashion boutiques.
  • The goal of the law is to promote responsible consumer choices and protect the French clothing industry from the negative effects of ultra-fast fashion.
  • Artificial intelligence has made a summary of the script of the video letter. The editor has checked the summary.

    What do you think, should Finland also intervene in the advertising of fast fashion companies?
