France: Is sports culture in danger?

Handball the Blues will find Egypt in the quarterfinals of

The ball is in the parliamentary camp! Gathered tomorrow Thursday (January 30, 2025) in joint joint committee, the latter will have to decide on the cuts in the sport offered by the government and which have led to a shield of shields. If the decreases mentioned are confirmed, the budget of the Ministry of Sports would be reduced by a third party compared to last year. (2024) What are these avenues say of the consideration of sport in France today?

Does this stop “the effect Joy »? How much the sport Is it necessary for our health ?

To debate it ::

– Seghir Lazri, Sports sociologist at the interdisciplinary research institute on issues socialResearch laboratory attached to the CNRS/EHESS and columnist

– Philippebanapresident of the French Federation of handball

– Régis Juanicoformer deputy of the Loire, expert in policy public sports, member of the collective “For a France in shape”. Author of Let’s move! Manifesto for less sedentary lifestyles », Éditions de l’Aube.
