France forced to bring back an Ivorian after an expulsion deemed illegal

France forced to bring back an Ivorian after an expulsion

The prefecture of Dordogne has recognized a “ error after the expulsion of a young Ivorian on March 30, according to information revealed by the Mediapart news site on Friday.

It all starts on January 10, reports Mediapart Friday, April 7. After a report for violence, the police intervene in Périgueux, in the south-west of France, at the home of a 22-year-old Ivorian, in France with her family for seven years. Educated in France, she holds a CAP.

Arrival at origin with a visa “ French family », his father as well as a brother and a sister being of French nationality, sThe steps to regularize her situation have been underway since 2020. She is therefore undocumented. The young woman is arrested. It is notified of an OQTF, a “ obligation to leave French territory by the prefecture, and is taken to an administrative detention center (CRA), near Toulouse.

Of a violence unheard of »

She comes out after a few days, the justice considering this placement in detention “ disproportionate “. But the OQTF remains in force. The young woman’s lawyer then challenged it before the Toulouse administrative court; a suspensive appeal in theory. ” We did not wait for the court to rule and we did not respect her right to an effective remedy and the suspensive nature of Madame’s appeal on this decision, explains Me Laure Galinon to Marine de La Moissonnière of RFI. Which means that the administrative court ruled on her appeal, recognizing the illegality when Madame had been removed from French territory. It’s very serious what happened and it was quite unheard of violence for my client. »

The prefecture of Dordogne admitted to Mediapart having committed ” a mistake “. She will therefore pay the plane ticket and all the costs for the return of this young Ivorian. The young Ivorian should return in the coming days. Me Galinon will then see with her if she takes the state to court.
