France extends vaccination to the most exposed categories

France extends vaccination to the most exposed categories

France decides to do like the United Kingdom, the United States or Canada. Faced with the increase in the number of cases of monkey pox, and the difficulties in tracing the route of contamination, the health authorities recommend extending vaccination to the most exposed groups, in particular homosexuals.

France has just over 700 cases of monkeypox, according to the latest report from Public Health France. The infected people (including two children) are mainly in Île-de-France. The virus can be transmitted by droplets, or by direct contact with skin lesions or mucous membranes. Until now, vaccination was only offered to caregivers and adults who had contact with a patient.

From next week, homosexual populations, more exposed, will be able to be vaccinated. About ten sites will be set up in the Paris region. A telephone line will also be open especially from Wednesday 13 July.

► To listen also: Monkeypox and expansion of vaccination: “We must have underestimated this risk of smallpox”

Enough stock in France

The director general of health, Jérôme Salomon, believes that France has enough stock to meet the needs. There are currently two vaccines. Both from Bavarian Nordic – the Danish laboratory which is the only one to produce this type of vaccine. Vaccination is carried out with two doses, spaced 28 days apart.

At present, the High Authority for Health does not recommend vaccinating all caregivers. She believes that hygiene measures and the mask are enough to protect against monkeypox.

► To read also: Monkey pox: different symptoms in European patients
