France: Elisabeth Borne, stop or again?

France Elisabeth Borne stop or again

Since the adoption of the pension reform by 49.3, the Prime Minister has been weakened. So much so that a question arises, can she stay at Matignon? Is Elisabeth Borne on borrowed time?

There is a Terminal topic “, a member of the majority notes that the Prime Minister has lost feathers in the sequence of retirements. She had asked the President of the Republic for a period of time to conduct negotiations with the Republican deputies and find the votes that were missing from the majority to avoid 49.3. “ She didn’t complete the mission “, recognizes a Renaissance senator. And Emmanuel Macron, giving her a few weeks to widen the majority and reconnect with the unions during his television interview in March, seemed to give her an impossible mission to buy some time before replacing her at the head of the government. and turn the page on pensions. Except that in politics, it is not necessarily as simple as that.


It is however the role of the Prime Minister to play the fuses to protect the President. It also seems that Elisabeth Borne was ready to assume being a fuse when triggering the 49.3 which she knew would have the effect of a political explosion. But the more time passes, the less we believe in the majority that the Prime Minister will leave Matignon. That there is a reshuffle, why not, and even probably but not necessarily by changing the head of government.

What political benefit would there be to replace Élisabeth Borne? ? asks a Horizons deputy who concludes : “ Borne will stay. A minister goes in the same direction by declaring : “ The president left to keep her. She’s a good technician, a hard worker, she doesn’t take the light. An enumeration of what seem to be assets in the mind of Emmanuel Macron.

Darmanin to Matignon ?

The name of the Minister of the Interior is indeed circulating. To hear a parliamentarian, if Emmanuel Macron wants the right to be with him, he puts Darmanin at Matignon “. A solution too obvious for another who smiles while explaining : “ With the president, that’s never how it happens, it’s too logical. »

And then there are the political balances within the majority. “ If it were to switch to the right, it would not be a slack in the majority but a gas explosion “, Considers a minister, rather on the left.

So stop or even for Elisabeth Borne at Matignon ? The most likely is that Emmanuel Macron has not yet decided.
