France displays its deterrence capabilities with the test of its new nuclear missile

France displays its deterrence capabilities with the test of its

France successfully tested, on Wednesday March 23, the modernized version of its ASMPA nuclear missile. This test firing, devoid of its nuclear charge, is part of the air component of French deterrence. The exercise comes at the height of the war in Ukraine, when fear of a potential military escalation by Russia is often raised.

In nuclear matters, the authorities are never talkative. Regarding the qualification firing of the medium-range strategic air-to-ground missile, the Ministry of the Armed Forces is content to say that the firing would have taken place in any case, war in Ukraine or not.

This test firing marks the entry into production of the refurbished medium-range air-to-ground nuclear weapons. Entered into service in 2009, these missiles will be replaced by 2035 by a new generation system called ASN4G.

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France is the only country in the European Union to have its own nuclear weapons.. With two components, one submarine, the other aerial, Rafales aircraft equipped with ASMPAs highlight French deterrence capabilities.

nuclear submarines

The test which has just taken place has indeed necessarily been observed by all the great nations. Consequently, in the military dialectic, the exercise is a message which proves the credibility of French deterrence.

France also has strategic ocean forces. Four nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines carry sixteen missiles each, all equipped with six nuclear warheads capable of hitting a hundred targets. They are the hidden face of deterrence and come under empowerment. top secret “.

Only a small number of soldiers know how many ballistic missile submarines are currently on operational patrol.
