France asks its population to limit the use of gas

France asks its population to limit the use of gas

The situation generated after the conflict in Ukraine has led to the responsible for gas distribution in France to ask its citizens to limit gas consumption to the bare essentials. In an interview in The echoesthe director of the French Gas Distribution Network (GRDF)Laurence Poirier-Dietz, launches this message both to companies and to the population.

According to the director, next winter “unprecedented situation” could occurso you had to prepare for eventual supply cuts by Russia. France, unlike Spain, is slightly more dependent on Russian gas. Poirier-Dietz, however, asserts that “there is no concern for the end of this winter”because the supply is assured.

In any case, the problem could arise facing the next winter 2022in case of a total or partial interruption of supplies, depending on how events unfold in the conflict. Both large consumers and industries in certain sectors or shopping centers have, in their contracts, the option of see the gas supply cut off in exchange for economic incentivesbecause they have alternative energy sources.

Other measures

Similarly, the GRDF points to other measures in order to promote other alternatives, such as increase in the short and medium term the production of biogas, through farm waste. It is estimated that between now and December it could increase by the equivalent of heating consumption of 120,000 newly built homes.

On the other hand, with regard to private consumers, the company asks turn heating thermostats down one degree, take showers instead of baths or replace gas boilers with more modern and efficient models, capable of reducing consumption by up to 30%.

In France, gas has a minor importance in the energy matrix, compared to other countries in the European environment (16% of total consumption and 6% of electricity production). This is so because of its commitment to nuclear energy.
