France: are we ready to face a major climatic event?

France are we ready to face a major climatic event

Unprecedented heatwave, extraordinary floods… This is the first manifestation of climate change: exceptional episodes are multiplying across the world. Given the trajectory taken, France risks not escaping it. While the government must present, in a few weeks, its national plan for adaptation to climate change, the French Red Cross has just published a report on preparation and resilience in the face of extreme events. What types of threats weigh on France? What measures exist to deal with it? What needs to be improved?

To debate it :

– Françoise Vimeuxclimatologist, research director at the Research Institute for Development (IRD)

– Clement Morillion, head of Public Affairs and editor of the French Red Cross report

– François Gemenne, professor at HEC, specialist in climate governance, director of the Hugo Observatory at the University of Liège, teacher at Sciences-Po and the Sorbonne, author of the book Ecology is not a consensus, Fayard editions, 2022.
