Fragmentation anxiety: age, symptoms, schizophrenia?

Fragmentation anxiety age symptoms schizophrenia

Fragmentation anxiety is a psychoanalytical concept that appeared in 1968. It is characterized by the irrational fear of seeing one’s body disintegrate. Is this a sign of schizophrenia? What can those around you do?

Definition: what is fragmentation anxiety?

Fragmentation anxiety, too called fragmentation anxiety, is a psychotic manifestation. “It corresponds to the fear of seeing one’s body and/or mind explode, fragment into 1000 piecesexplains Dr. Patrick Lemoine, psychiatrist. A schizophrenic person can thus spend hours look at yourself in a mirror to make sure your nose hasn’t moved, that your ear is still there… “. She may also be afraid that her limbs and organs will dislocate. This psychotic manifestation affects 1% of population. Schizophrenia is often associated with fragmentation anxiety.

At what age does fragmentation anxiety appear?

She manifests herself between 15 and 35 years old, most often around 18 years old“, says Dr. Lemoine.

What causes fragmentation anxiety?

They are multiple. “This anxiety is very often linked to the schizophreniait may have a partly genetic cause (we very often find an affected member in the family), and is consecutive to a trauma suffered during pregnancy like a virus or a big emotional shockexplains the psychiatrist. Thus, if, in France, 1% of the population is affected, in Rwanda for example, 15 to 20 years after the war which struck them, 4% of the population presented schizophrenic disorders, because of the intense stress that women then pregnant had lived. But sometimes fragmentation anxiety occurs during a acute delusional outburst which is a psychotic episode with no known cause following sleep deprivation and which may be short-lived (1/3 of cases) or may signify an onset of schizophrenia (1/3 of cases) or bipolar disorder (1/3 of cases)“. This anxiety can also appear following the taking of narcotics such as, for example, LSD, amphetamines, even cannabis.

What are the consequences of fragmentation anxiety?

Level anxiety is very high. Fragmentation anxiety can be so terrifying that it causes maladaptive behaviors. “People who are victims of it tend to withdraw completely into it, to the point of not having romantic, friendly or professional relationships.says Dr. Lemoine. They live from delusional whims, have delusions of persecutionand may become aggressive towards others and/or themselves”.

Is this a sign of schizophrenia?

“This anxiety must indeed make one think of schizophreniaassures the psychiatrist. It is even one of the symptoms. From the first signs, it requires appropriate care“. However, it is necessary eliminate the drug intake or the delirious puff.

Parents and those around them unfortunately cannot do much, especially since the delusions of persecution experienced by these people very often turn against their families, says our expert. It is therefore necessary to consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible in order to set up an appropriate treatment. This consists of taking a antipsychotic treatment coupled to a psychotherapy“. This therapeutic solution is to be taken for life because this syndrome does not cure, even if advances in medicine allow these people to lead subnormal lives. Sometimes, if the person is very aggressive, hospitalization may be necessary or even hospitalization without consent.

Thanks to Dr. Patrick Lemoine, psychiatrist and author of “And fidelity brothel”, Eds. Albin Michel, released on January 11, 2023.
