Fourth day of congressional hearing in US – Trump put pressure on election authorities and tried to distort election results

Fourth day of congressional hearing in US Trump put

A committee of inquiry set up by Congress has been investigating the events of January 6, 2021 for ten months, and its findings are now being reviewed in public hearings.

21:55 • Updated 9:55 PM

The fourth day of public hearings in connection with the conquest of the Congress House on January 6, 2021 is underway in the United States.

The fourth hearing will focus on the former US president Donald Trumpin efforts to nullify the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Trump lost the election with more than seven million votes for Democrats To Joe Biden. Contrary to what Trump claimed, there were no ambiguities in the election. The matter is being investigated by both Trump’s own Department of Justice and numerous state election authorities.

The hearing heard how Trump sought to directly influence the state election authorities by putting pressure on and intimidating them. Trump also urged election officials to distort election results by using so-called fake voters.

– A group of election officials from key states held their ground as Donald Trump tried to break American democracy, chairman of the committee investigating events at the House of Congress Bennie Thompson said at the beginning of the hearing.

Election officials, many of whom are Republicans, recounted how Trump tweeted their private phone numbers to his millions of followers and how they were harassed night and day as a result.

This led to many of these officials being threatened with violence. Witnesses told how Trump was told about this, but he still refused to stop putting pressure on officials and sharing their contact information with his angry supporters.

– Donald Trump did not care that the election authorities were threatened with violence. He did not condemn it and did not try to stop it, the vice-chairman of the committee, the Republican Liz Cheney said.

Supreme Electoral Authority of the State of Georgia, Republican Brad Raffensperger Trump said he called him and demanded that he “find 11,780 votes” with which Trump would have passed Biden in the income statement.

Trump has admitted the call, for which there is also a recording, has taken place and praised it as “perfect.”
