Four parents obtain parental authority

Four parents obtain parental authority

For the first time, justice has granted parental authority to two couples (two women and two men) over their two children. A “four-way parenting project” deemed “thoughtful and elaborate”.

On January 7, two couples (composed of two men and two women) obtained parental authority over their two children. This is a first in France in terms of court decisions and same-sex parenthood, the magazine already revealed in February. Stubborn. For the judge, the “four-way parenting project” was “thought out and developed before birth” children.

The couples, friends, decided to conceive their children together. But the other two parents, non-biological, could not until then exercise their parental authority over the children they are raising together. With this court decision, they can now educate them, protect them and make decisions, especially in case of need for their health, outings, etc. “It is a recognition of the reality of this family configuration, which the law no longer ignores“, declared Maître Caroline Mécary, lawyer specializing in family rights in charge of the case.

Finally, as the magazine reminds us, this court decision does not allow non-biological parents to obtain recognition of filiation: they will not be able, in fact, to transmit their surname to their children. It is therefore a sharing of parental authority, which applies until they reach majority.
