Four out of ten traders exposed to crime

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

“Unfortunately, we are forced to state that the trade’s vulnerability to crime continues to be at far too high levels. In recent times, we have been able to learn how thefts of popular goods, for example meat, have become even more common,” says Nina Jelver, Acting Head of Security at Swedish Trade , in a press release.

Swedish Trade believes that the situation is urgent for many traders and that shops are at risk of having to close again. You can also see that there are still few traders who report thefts – fewer than half of the incidents lead to a police report.

“It’s easy to dismiss theft as a small problem, but in 2021, 8.5 billion was stolen in Swedish trade. These are huge numbers that mean great difficulties for many of our members, not least in these tough times,” says Nina Jelver further.
