Four meter long orca found dead in marina

A four-meter-long killer whale has been found dead in Sotenäs, Bohuslän. According to the police, the animal must have drifted towards the coast and got stuck in a jetty at Hunnebostrand.

– It is very sad. There are several here who are sad, says Jenny Nord, who photographed the killer whale.

Already last night, Jenny and her family saw something unusual out on the water. Several boats went and tried to drive an orca towards shore.

– I didn’t understand why they didn’t try to push it out towards the sea instead.

The next morning, Jenny sees two passers-by stop on the dock outside their house, and look down at the water.

– Then I go out and see it lying there.

– It is so tragic to see him lying here in the marina, she says.

Four meters long

Last night at 9 o’clock the police were alerted by a private person just south of Hunnebostrand. The person had seen an inflatable boat stressing an orca.

– No report was written, but it is true that we took calls, says Caroline Karlsson.

It has not been established that it is the same killer whale, but according to the police, it is unusual for such animals to be seen in Sweden.

– Incredibly sad when killer whales die, they can live a long time. One becomes curious as to why it died. Hope SVA does a proper autopsy, says Tom Arnbom, election expert at WWF.

Decisions about what will happen to the killer whale will now be made by Natural History. According to the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, an unusually large number of dolphins have been found on Swedish beaches this year. In April, a dolphin washed up on a beach in Varberg – it was the third this year. What attracted these animals to Sweden is unclear, but climate change may be a cause.

– Absolutely that climate change is changing the lives of our wild animals and their behavior, that is absolutely clear. They often follow the food, said Karin Olofsson-Sannö, assistant state veterinarian at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, to TT in April.

During the day, the coast guard will lift the killer whale and then it will be driven to Uppsala in a refrigerated truck.

TV4 has searched for Natural History without an answer.
