Four men are accused of suspecting the purchase of sexual services in Falun

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The suspected men who have now been charged are between 25 and 35 years old and where three of them according to the police must have visited the salon on at least two occasions during the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021.

The lawsuit states that the police identified the men and the purchases with the help of swish transactions, positioning when using a bank ID, reconnaissance and that several of the men compared a price list from an escort company with the mentioned massage salon.

200 men were suspected of buying sex

Up to 200 men were initially suspected of buying sexual services at the massage parlor after the police in Bergslagen worked for several months with both internal and external reconnaissance.

Since then, some of the men have received a criminal injunction and the owner and another man in the business have been sentenced for procuring to 1.5 years in prison and one year in prison respectively.
