Four indicted for explosion in Gothenburg

Four indicted for explosion in Gothenburg

Ellen Ahinko Andersson/TT




full screen Four people with connections to organized crime are charged with bombings in Gothenburg. Archive image. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

Four people are charged on suspicion of involvement in an explosion at a gate to an apartment building in the Majorna district of Gothenburg in January.

A 35-year-old man is charged with aggravated public dangerous destruction, while two people are charged with extremely serious drug offenses and extremely serious weapons offences. The fourth is suspected of attempted gross destruction of public danger. According to the police, he must have tried to carry out an explosion against the same address in Majorna a day earlier.

According to the police, the persons are connected to organized crime.

“The police have an offensive focus on serious organized crime and we work hard to get access to actors who are part of criminal groups. This is not about an isolated incident, but is part of the development of violence that we have seen for some time in Gothenburg,” says Dan Windt, deputy head of the investigation unit in the West region, in a press release.
