four Ecuadorian ministers resign after protests

four Ecuadorian ministers resign after protests

The strength of the government has become its Achilles heel “, to analyse the Ecuadorian daily. As prices soar, the Minister of the Economy, Simon Cueva resigned on Tuesday evening, pushed towards the exit by the social demonstrations at the end of June. Its austerity policy went against the grain of the current economic context, between rising oil prices and high unemployment in Ecuador.

A hard blow for President Lasso whose ” main strength – by profile and personal history – is the economy “, adds the conservative newspaper. Pablo Arosemena then replaces Simon Cueva and will have to respect the agreements signed between the government and the demonstrators. The newspaper predicts that “ austerity will be eased to channel resources into investment. »

► To read also: Ecuador: four ministers replaced after their resignation

United States: relatives of Trump summoned by the court

L’Atlanta Journal-Constitution publishes subpoenas from seven allies of former US President Donald Trump. Georgia state justice has collected numerous testimonies implicating them in the attempt to annul the results of the state’s presidential elections. Among them, Senator Lindsey Graham and Trump’s personal attorney: Rudy Giuliani. They are suspected of having participated and implemented the strategy of the ex-president to annul the election of Joe Biden at the end of 2020.

This is the most significant measurement ever taken in this investigation. ” This new decision could darken the future of the former President of the Republic “, believes the New York Times. They will have to answer questions from the Georgia grand jury in the coming months.

In Colombia, the president reaches out to the ELN

The newspaper El Tiempo deciphers the presidential speech on these insurgent groups. The conservative daily is worried about the paths that the left-wing government is about to take in this new peace process proposed on Tuesday evening. Gustavo Petro, the current president paved the way for a ceasefire with the ELN, the National Liberation Army and other armed groups.

The periodical clearly marks the difference between groups of political origins and those resulting from illegal activities, drug trafficking. ” Criminal networks cannot benefit from political recognition and peace agreements. The only way would be to submit to justice », insists El Tiempo.

On his side El País, castigates the record of ex-president Ivan Duque. The newspaper embraces the hope for peace proposed by Gustavo Petro: He wants to give absolute priority to the pacification of the country and intends to open a much needed debate in Colombia. »

► To read also: Colombia: Gustavo Petro reaches out to the armed group ELN
