four dead in stabbing and ramming attack

four dead in stabbing and ramming attack

The assailant, who killed four people in the main city of the Negev desert, was neutralized by a passerby.

A total of eight minutes was enough for Ghaleb Abu al-Qian, a 34-year-old Bedouin of Israeli nationality, to kill 4 people and injure five others in Beersheba, the capital of the Negev, in what is one of the deadliest attacks. in recent years in the country.

According to Israeli police, the suspect, who has not been identified, stabbed a woman at a gas station, then ran over a cyclist with his car before continuing on to a nearby shopping mall. He then got out of his vehicle to stab a man and a woman. It was finally a bus driver who confronted him and shot him with his personal weapon.

Throughout this frantic race, the police did not intervene, reports our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul. A former teacher, the assailant had been in prison for having formed a cell that planned to go to Syria to fight within the Islamic State organization, and for sermons praising the jihadist group.

In a statement, the Bedouin al-Kiyan clan ” firmly “condemned the attack, an act” individual ” according to him, ” which does not represent law-abiding clan members who have always advocated living together “.

Act ” terrorist »

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett offered his condolences to the families of the victims of this act. terrorist » and greeted the « courage civilians who opened fire on the assailant to ” prevent more casualties while promising a strong response to terrorism. The Israeli security forces have notably been placed on “high alert”.

The far-right parties deplore what they describe as the laxity of the current government. For their part, the Arab deputies are divided. Some condemn the attack. Others believe that it will be the pretext for racist acts against the Bedouin community in Israel.

In a statement, the moderate Islamist Raam party, which concentrates its support among the Bedouins of the Negev and supports the current coalition government of Prime Minister Bennett, condemned ” firmly ” the attack ” criminal “. ” Raam calls on all citizens to maintain coexistence, to act responsibly and to promote a discourse of tolerance and wisdom (…) the party said.

In the evening, in the parking lot of the mall where the attack took place, a dozen ultra-nationalist Jews gathered with Israeli flags, chanting ” dead to the arabs “, noted an AFP journalist.

►Also read: Israel: tensions with the Bedouins in the Negev

From October 2015 and for months, Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank and Israel were the scene ofanti-Israeli stabbing attacks most often committed by isolated young Palestinians.

While these attacks have since diminished, they continue to occur sporadically, particularly in recent weeks, generally in the West Bank and East Jerusalemtwo Palestinian territories occupied by Israel.

I am increasingly concerned about the daily violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Israel. This is the seventh stabbing attack on Israelis this month commented the UN envoy for the Middle East, Tor Wennesland.

Many fear a resurgence of tension as the month of Ramadan approaches. King Abdullah of Jordan, who wants to be the guardian of the esplanade of the mosques in Jerusalem, could go to Ramallah in the coming days to calm the situation.

(With AFP)
