Four dead in Ål in Norway – found in home

Four people have been found dead in Ål municipality in south-eastern Norway.

– The patrol moved out due to a report of concern from a family member, says police station chief Brit Fyksen at Midtre Hallingdal police station in a press release.

Not looking for a perpetrator

But it was already too late. Four people were pronounced dead in the home. Police are treating it as an isolated incident and do not suspect anyone else of involvement in the death.

– We are not looking for any perpetrators, says Brit Fyksen VG.

The police state that the four dead were registered at the address, write The daily newspaper.

“Absolutely terrible”

Both relatives and the crisis team in Ål have been notified.

– It is difficult to put into words what has happened. It is deeply tragic and absolutely terrible, says mayor Solveig Vestenfor to VG.

Police will carry out forensic examinations at the crime scene throughout the night.
