Four dead found in house in Norway

Four dead found in house in Norway

Updated 23.14 | Published 22.36




full screenNorwegian police found four dead people after an alarm. Archive image. Photo: Gorm Kallestad/NTB/TT

Norwegian police have found four dead people in a home in a small town in the municipality of Ål, approximately 14 kilometers northwest of Oslo. The discovery was made when the police rushed to the house after an alarm from a family member.

It is still unclear what happened, but the police state that all the dead were registered at the address in question and that no one else is believed to be involved.

– We are not looking for any perpetrator, says Brit Fyksen, police commander in the Midtre Hallingdal district, to VG.

The technical examination of the house is believed to last until Sunday morning.
