four dead and around sixty injured after strikes on kyiv and Kharkiv – L’Express

Russia claims the capture of a village in the Kharkiv

Russian attacks on Ukrainian territory have intensified since the start of the year. Several Ukrainian regions were on alert this Tuesday morning and residents had to take shelter after the armed forces reported missile fire. Ukraine was indeed attacked during the night with 41 missiles, of which 21 were shot down, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army, Valery Zalouzhny, said on Tuesday. According to this source, the Russian army used S-300, S-400, KH-101, KH-555, KH-55, KH-22, KH-59 and Iskander missiles to attack the cities of Kiev and Kharkiv in particular. .

Information to remember

⇒ Four dead and around sixty injured in strikes on kyiv and Kharkiv

⇒ Borrell calls on Trump to share his “magic formula” to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours.

⇒ Pressure mounts at the UN over the transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia

Russian strikes on kyiv and Kharkiv: four dead and around sixty injured

Four civilians were killed and around sixty injured during nighttime Russian airstrikes targeting the Ukrainian capital kyiv and the city of Kharkiv (east), local authorities announced on Tuesday. Kharkiv regional governor Oleg Synegubov said 42 people were injured and at least three killed in the regional capital of the same name, located on the border with Russia. In Pavlograd, in the Dnipropetrovsk region (center), “one person was killed and another injured”, according to regional leader Serguiï Lyssak.

In kyiv, 20 people were injured, said the mayor of the capital, Vitali Klitschko, adding that “13 were hospitalized, including three children.” “A woman is in intensive care,” he added on his Telegram channel.

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“As a result of the bombing this morning, part of an apartment building was completely destroyed. Rescuers are now trying to search the rubble in order to find people underneath,” said Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov. In kyiv, “a victim was hospitalized by emergency services in the Solomyanskyi district”, according to Mayor Vitali Klitchko. Vehicles and buildings caught fire after the strikes, he said on Telegram.

Ukraine: Borrell is ironic about Trump’s “miracles”

The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell on Monday called on former US President Donald Trump to share his “magic formula” to put an end, as he claims, to the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. “I thought miracles only happened in Lourdes,” quipped Josep Borrell.

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“We were not able to find the magic formula to solve the problem in 24 hours, but I understand that President (Volodymyr) Zelensky invited President Trump to come to Kiev and quickly find a solution,” added Josep Borrell, during a press conference following a meeting of EU foreign ministers. “Those who most want peace, for the war to end, are of course the Ukrainians, and I am sure they would be delighted if President Trump could give them the magic formula to end the war in 24 hours” , he added.

Transfer of Ukrainian children to Russia: pressure mounts at the UN

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child demanded Monday in Moscow more information on the transfer of Ukrainian children to Russian soil since its invasion of Ukraine, with a question in the form of criticism: when will the Will Russia cooperate on this with the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

“My final question is: Will Russia cooperate with the investigations at the International Criminal Court into alleged war crimes committed by President Putin and children’s rights defender Maria Lvova-Belova?” , said the vice-president of the committee, Luis Ernesto Pedernera Reyna, to the Russian delegation at the end of the first day of hearings in Geneva.

READ ALSO: War in Ukraine: “Children saw their own parents killed by the Russians”

The fate of these Ukrainian children is one of the hot points in the examination of the Russian case by the committee, made up of 18 independent experts, who chose to leave the night in Moscow to prepare its defense. Ukraine estimates that 20,000 Ukrainian children have been forcibly sent to Russia. At this point, according to Kiev, only about 400 have been repatriated by Ukrainian authorities, and the International Criminal Court last year issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and Russian Children’s Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova , for the “deportation” of thousands of Ukrainian children. Moscow firmly rejects these accusations.
