Four coroners are heard today

In addition to the forensic doctors’ testimony, one of the young women who was convicted in the district court, Johanna Jansson, will be heard again. It is the defender of the other woman convicted of murder who will hold the supplementary hearing.

– In the district court, Johanna Jansson’s questioning about the night Tove died was taken into account very much, says TV4 Nyheternas reporter Mikael Nilsson, who is present at the Göta Court of Appeal.

The two women’s stories about the night of the murder diverge.

Leif GW Persson commented on the case in News morning.

– Dissenting points of view have been presented against the medical examiner’s report that was presented in the district court. The defense has brought in a forensic pathologist from Umeå. In addition, this has been reviewed within the Judicial Council, and then one of the members has said a different opinion from what the district court adopted, says criminologist Leif GW Persson, and continues:

– So it could get interesting worse.
