On January 3, the Twitch streamer DNP3 made a confession on Twitter: In 2022 he became addicted to gambling and packed everything into the online casino Stake, which has now been banned by Twitch. He gambled away his own savings and even cryptocurrency investors’ money. It all started with a sponsored stream.
Who is this?
“Crypto, Gambling, and Giveaway” is the formula for success for some Twitch streamers, most notably US streamer Trainwreck.
Twitch streamer loses $8m, yells at viewer who advises him not to gamble
“It all started with a sponsored stream”
This is his confession now: The streamer says in a Twitlonger that in 2022 he became “insanely addicted” to gambling. He put every dollar he found into the online stack hoping to win.
But even if he won a lot of money, it wasn’t enough. At some point all the money was gone: not only his own fortune, but also the money of the investors:
I irresponsibly used investors’ money to try to “get my money back from the casino” – wrong in every way.
DNP3 apologizes to everyone: He cannot describe how ashamed and how guilty he feels. The streamer says he’s trying to break free with this post. DNP3 wrote that he is now mentally and financially bankrupt.
When asked, he then explains that the gambling addiction began with a “sponsored stream”.
Apparently, the controversial online casino Stake paid him to gamble on Twitch at their casino. Twitch has since banned Stake.
It also works without gambling – this is how you actually make money with Twitch:
Prime Gaming, the secret behind Twitch’s success
“You stole from your supporters”
How is that received? A lot of the comments on Twitter come from users who have invested money in DNP3 projects and even the well-meaning ones are pretty pissed off. Others immediately demanded that the man go to jail and that without going “about lot”:
Others compare the behavior to that of Twitch streamer ItsSlikeR – whose September 2022 confession sparked the casino debate on Twitch:
Big Twitch streamer cheats fans and friends out of €200,000 because of gambling addiction – now shows remorse