Found this ant at home? The expert warns: “Spreading”

Found this ant at home The expert warns Spreading

Summer has very much arrived in Sweden with the recent high temperatures. But like the vast majority of Swedish summers, it includes not only sunshine but also a lot of rain.

SMHI has now issued a yellow warning in several places around the country, as torrential rain is expected in several places.

READ MORE: Heavy downpour warning – 40 mm of rain can fall here

This is how the pharaoh ant can get into your home

In addition to the classic Swedish summer weather, small bugs are also a constant during the warmer months. When the temperature rises and the heat is on, they come out of their nooks and crannies, which is not only good. Especially not if the small insects approach us and our homes.

One of the insects that like to live indoors is the pharaoh ant, a yellowish ant that is much smaller than the “normal” ants you tend to see in the summer. This is because, above all, it prefers to live in warmer latitudes where the temperatures are around 27-30 degrees.

But despite the fact that their natural habitat is not in Sweden, it tends to show up in many people’s homes anyway.

And due to the pharaoh ant’s size, it can be difficult to spot as it likes to stay in small, well-chosen nests.

In an interview with News24 explains the Anticimex pest expert, Thomas Persson Winner stonehow come it appears in Sweden when they are not found in Swedish nature.

– You should be observant if you see small yellowish ants, usually in the kitchen area. These small ants are not found out in the Swedish nature, but come with products and goods or perhaps especially if you are traveling and happen to bring them home.

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Thomas Persson Vinnersten, pest expert at Anticimex. Photo: Anticimex BildPharaoh ants at home? Then expert help is required

But since it is difficult to detect and likes to hide in small nooks and crannies, how do you get rid of it if it has taken hold in the home? According to Persson Vinnersten, keeping the home clean is a good prerequisite.

– Cleaning and keeping clean is always good and it makes it harder for the ants to find food.

If bad luck strikes and the pharaoh ant appears, then you need expert help, he says.

– Professional handling of the problem is required to really get rid of it. There is a risk in the danger ants spreading if, for example, pesticides are used in the wrong way. If you have identified that you have pharaoh ants at home, you should contact your pest control company, he tells Nyheter24.

Number of remediations by people in Sweden who have identified problems with pharaoh ants in the last three years:

  • 2021: 1,183 cleanups
  • 2022: 698 cleanups
  • 2023: 664 cleanups
  • READ MORE: Avoid ant invasion indoors – you have to

    If you find pharaoh ants in the home, then you need expert help, says Thomas Persson Vinnersten at Anticimex. Photo: Stella Pictures

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