Fouad’s USA: They will monitor the election – after Donald Trump’s claim of fraud

Election observers have the right to witness how the election is conducted in polling stations and in some cases in vote counting stations. In Georgia, each party may have two election observers in each polling station. The Republican seats are already well filled, but interest is high.

Tamara Favorito trains potential election observers.

– Now we hold a training for the Constitution Party. There is much greater interest now after the 2020 election. And that is natural, because there were many problems with that election, she tells SVT’s Fouad Youcefi.

Concerns about threats during the election

Investigations, recounts and lawsuits have dismissed claims that widespread voter fraud led to Biden’s 2020 victory in Georgia.

Nevertheless, Georgia has changed many of its election rules – following people’s concerns about election security. At the same time, several states in the United States have now expressed concern that election workers may be exposed to threats and hatred during the 2024 election.

Join Foaud Youcefi on one of the courses Tamara holds with people who are worried that the election won’t go right in the video above
