Fos, Board of Directors proposes approval of new buyback

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(Finance) – The board of directors of Phosa company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the design and development of digital services and products for large industrial groups and for the public administration, has decided to submit to the ordinary shareholders’ meeting the proposal Of authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury sharessubject to revocation of the previous authorization granted on 27 April 2023, for the part not carried out.

Authorization is required for the purchase of treasury shares for a maximum value purchased equal to 2 million eurosin one or more tranches, up to a maximum number which, taking into account the FOS shares held in the portfolio from time to time by the company and the companies controlled by it, does not overall exceed 10% of the share capital.

The company currently holds 117,000 treasury shares in its portfolio, equal to 1.711% of the current share capital.

The Board of Directors decided to call the ordinary shareholders’ meeting for the day December 21, 2023.

(Photo: Carrie Allen on Unsplash)
