Forty NATO ships anchor in Stockholm before exercises

Forty NATO ships anchor in Stockholm before exercises

Sweden, like Finland, has asked to join NATO. Its candidacy is being examined, but that does not prevent the Nordic kingdom from already being very close to the Atlantic Alliance, and has been for many years. The inhabitants of Stockholm were able to realize this with the arrival in their port of about forty warships, which will take part from this Sunday in maneuvers in the Baltic Sea.

With our correspondent in Stockholm, Frederic False

The flagship of this fleet, the inhabitants of Stockholm could not miss it. The helicopter carrier USS Kearsarge, and its 257 m long, had a hard time finding its place in the port of the Swedish capital. Around him, at the quay, in different parts of the city, 40 other ships came from the United States, but also from a dozen other allied countries.

communication operation

It’s a great communication operation for NATO, which stopped off in Stockholm while Sweden is celebrating the 500th anniversary of its navy this weekend. And for those who came to see and especially to photograph this imposing armada, it all looked like a dress rehearsal before their country’s entry into the Atlantic Alliance.

In any case, this is the feeling of Marcus and Jacob: “ We’ve had NATO ships here before, but not this big. We need the security that NATO brings us, because we are a little too close to the Russians “says one of the two inhabitants. ” I completely agree. It’s just fantastic to see all these countries behind us ! “continues the other.

This fleet leaves Stockholm this Sunday to reach the Baltic Sea, where it will participate in twelve days of maneuvers, at the gates of the Russian naval base in Kaliningrad.

►Also listen: Lines of defense – NATO in a position of strength against Russia
