In the new season of Fortnite, players are almost exclusively found in vehicles. A Twitch streamer has an ingenious and effective idea for dealing with unwanted, opposing passengers in a matter of seconds. For this he only needs one item.
This is the problem with opposing riders in Fortnite: Without a vehicle, it will be difficult to compete against other motorized opponents. Many players take this as an opportunity to get into their opponents’ cars themselves.
Once the enemy is in your vehicle, it becomes difficult to get rid of him. In the worst case scenario, he will shoot at you or your car as a passenger and you will have to get out somewhere. Which can be really annoying.
That’s exactly what happened to a Twitch streamer. But he doesn’t let it bother him and shows what happens to unwanted guests in his car.
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Twitch streamer shows brilliant kill with boogey bomb
What kind of item is this? The Boogey Bomb is an item that was introduced in the first chapter of Fortnite and was a part of the game for a long time. Now it is making a comeback.
The Boogey Bomb is a long-range weapon designed to incapacitate opponents. If it hits the opponent or they are in the blast radius, they start dancing and can only move slowly. Under the bomb’s influence, the affected person cannot jump, shoot or perform any other actions.
Additionally, the bomb has the effect of getting players out of vehicles, as the Twitch streamer proves:
How does the streamer use the boogey bomb for his kill? In the video, you can see how the streamer uses a dimensional rift to catapult his car onto Loot Island. Not only is he in his car, but also an enemy player.
When he lands on the high Loot Island plateau, he drives to the edge of the island. As the car rolls towards the precipice, he gets out and throws the boogey bomb at the rolling car. This causes the opponent to be beamed out of the vehicle and free fall towards the precipice.
The fall damage then kills the opponent directly upon impact.
The trick can of course be performed at any other high place that offers enough height to fall from. You can also use the Boogey Bomb to take opposing players out of their own vehicles. A former big star of the scene will probably like that. He had recently complained about the vehicle meta: Ninja says about the game that made him big: Fortnite is now for losers