Fortnite: Players complain because they can no longer use skins that cost a lot of money

Thousands of players are currently complaining about Fortnite because they can no longer use items they paid for. Behind this is the introduction of new age limits, which also apply to thousands of skins and items. Epic has now commented on this and explained what will happen next.

Fortnite has introduced new age limits. But this suddenly affects thousands of players who can no longer use certain items.

The new patch ensured that the game’s creation islands, i.e. content created by players, were given an age rating. At the same time, many cosmetic items in Fortnite have also received a rating. Anyone who starts Fortnite now will notice that many items suddenly show a small yellow warning triangle. On MeinMMO we already reported that Epic is restricting the use of skins.

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Epic says: Almost all skins should still be usable

If you enter an island with an item that is not permitted, it will be replaced by a standard skin. And that always applies, even if you paid a lot of money for your favorite skin or played for weeks. Many players were bothered by this. Now Epic explains in an update that they want to make almost all outfits/skins compatible in the future (via

Currently, approximately 7% of Fortnite outfits can only be equipped in Teen-rated islands (or region equivalent). Over the next year, we will ensure that most of these outfits are compatible with all tiers by automatically adapting their appearance to the island you choose to play on.

This should at least calm some of the players who are currently complaining that they can no longer use their skins everywhere. It will probably take some time before the final changes come and you can use your favorite skins everywhere again

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