The start of Season 5 is just around the corner in Fortnite and with it, according to the leak, a new/old map, because Epic Games could have prepared a classic for you that you’ve been waiting for years.
What kind of map could Season 5 get? Leakers have already had a look at the data during Season 4 and are still keeping an ear open for further clues. This time an image has been leaked showing the new possible map for Chapter 4 Season 5.
It is no less a map than that of Chapter 1. This should not only have well-known POIs, but also contain weapons and vehicles that players should know from times gone by.
Did you miss the Chapter 4 Season 4 trailer? Then we have the right video for it:
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 – FINAL COUP Trailer
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Epic Games is fulfilling a wish players have had for years
Why is the map so special? Fortnite and its battle royale have been around for 6 years and in that time many fans have seen how Epic Games has changed and even changed the map, but one thing that stuck in the minds of players was that of Chapter 1.
It wasn’t just the intense live events that Epic Games was putting together at the time, it was the beginnings that players had on this map. Constantly new weapons, vehicles, a new genre for players to explore at the time, with crazy skins and modes that were constantly different.
Here we have integrated the leak about the new map for you:
For 10 seasons, players were able to do mischief and have fun on this ever-changing map until the most intense live event in Fortnite history created a new map. After this event, many players called for the return of the Chapter 1 map, but that never happened.
Many fans then had to search for maps in creative mode that were replicas of the map from Chapter 1, but these were either poorly designed, buggy or too small. If the leak turns out to be true, a majority of OG players would certainly be happy about it.
Which POI are there on the new map? The leak also shows places that the new map is supposed to house. The following are known:
Is the leak trustworthy? The leak was posted by Shiina, who has proven to be a trustworthy leaker in the Fortnite scene. Since Season 5 will run under the name “OG”, it could easily be imagined that players will return to the old map.
In addition, the new lobby background in Fortnite suggests a time machine with the date “07/12/2018”. This date heralded the start of Season 5 Chapter 1, so it would be quite conceivable that players could travel back in time with the time machine on Friday.
It remains to be seen how Epic Games wants to ring this in, but until then: What do you think of the idea of a return to Chapter 1? Are you happy or would you rather see new content? Let us know!