Darth Vader himself is the current top reward in Fortnite’s new Battle Pass. But the powerful Sith Lord has apparently misplaced his lightsaber.
That’s the problem: Darth Vader is no joke. Anyone who saw the epic scene in Rogue One knows that when Vader’s red lightsaber lights up, that’s it.
Thank god he doesn’t have that thing with him in Fortnite right now. At least not if you unlock it via the new Battle Pass.
Because instead of his iconic weapon, Darth Vader has been given another harvesting tool: The “Imperial Coat of Arms” is a kind of staff with the imperial coat of arms on top.
It’s not quite the “death star on a stick” that fans feared beforehand, but it’s close.
Not the first case: The fact that players even speculated what Vader would probably carry around for an ax is due to his Star Wars colleagues Kylo Ren, Rey and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
They got all the skins in the past, but none of them got a lightsaber as a harvesting tool. Obi-Wan, for example, is running around in Fortnite with a knife that you saw for a few seconds in the new series.
In any case, laughter is now spreading among Fortnite and probably also Vader fans.
Fan suggests laser spoon as a replacement, teammates like it
What fans say: Since the release of the new Season 3, a lot of pictures and memes have appeared in the Fortnite subreddit that make fun of Vader’s stick.
For example, one player posted the scene from the big live event in which Obi-Wan and Vader briefly clash with their lightsabers – but of course replaced both weapons with knives and empire sticks.
The following post is particularly popular at the moment:
The user “ReturnoftheSnek” suggests at least giving the dark lord a red laser sword spoon.
These little things used to be included in cereal boxes when Episode III Revenge of the Sith came out. And in the comments there are some users who even think this is a pretty good idea:
Of course, the lightsabers are an actual weapon in the game from time to time, but only intermittently. However, laser weapons have not yet been used as a permanent “harvesting tool” – despite all the Star Wars content.
In another post, players suspect that Epic is now deliberately joking with the players – because there is even “Vader’s lightsaber” as a small emote image. Just not as a harvesting tool.
Fortnite: Season 3 Gameplay Trailer – Brings back new saw gun and old vehicle
Still, we might see the lightsaber again in the near future. In the gameplay trailer for the new season, Vader can be seen throwing it at enemies and blasting enemies with the Force. It is quite possible that Vader will be up to mischief on the map as an AI boss in the future.
At least Vader can convince with his other cosmetics, like the “Imperial March”, which even has his iconic music with him.
In addition, there are now some new points on the map in Fortnite. All new locations in Fortnite can be found here.