Former Whirlpool, UILM: clarity is needed

Former Whirlpool UILM decision pending on Naples website on 25th

(Finance) – “Only in Italy can it happen that a building is used for production without problems for decades and that then suddenly its unsuitability emerges when it is sold “. So the Uilm on the story of the former Whirlpool in Naples.

“Adler’s communication – he explains – is the consequence of obstacles and intolerable bureaucratic delays and an attitude by the incomprehensible institutions, but it also comes later a ministerial meeting in which it was argued that everything could be solved. The institutions in this dispute not only have they not been able to prevent Whirlpool from stop production, but even today, after continuous references and insights, they are actually forming an obstacle to the possible resumption of production by the consortium headed by Adler “.

According to Uilm “for months now we only talk about bureaucratic problems, above all the environmental ones. In the last meeting with the Ministry of Economic Development, the situation was described to us as almost resolved, but we had not hidden our very strong concerns. The institutions should come together to solve bureaucratic problems or to launch a solution, if problems are encountered not only formal but substantial. Instead the red tape they ended up representing almost an alibi to avoid addressing the real issues, those that interest the workers, that is to say those of the industrial plan. We are tired of talk about real estate and documentation, we need to talk about work and we need to do it urgently, since the expiry date of the unemployment benefit continues to run.

“The time has come for her to be introduced to us the industrial initiative as a whole. The institutions guaranteed to have a solution ready as early as August 2021 and to date also the lead subject denies them and seems to want to take off. The workers deserve clarity and concreteness after three years of struggle and waiting “.
