Former Whirlpool, new start for 312 workers: contract signed

Former Whirlpool new start for 312 workers contract signed

(Finance) – After years of protests, a happy ending has arrived for 312 workers from the former Whirlpool who at 12 today, in via Argine, in Naples, signed an employment contract with the Italian Green Factory of the Tea Tek Group, a company that will operate in the development and production of renewable energy technologies.

The factory hit the news for having become the symbol of a vvery tough challenge which involved everyone – the workers, the union, civil society, the institutions – which began on 31 May 2019 when the workers were overwhelmed by the act which decreed the death of an establishment that until that day had been considered in excellent health. Today the final act.

“Today is an emotional day: with the hiring of the former Whirlpool workers, a long and difficult dispute ends, but this time the future holds a new beginning for us, that of the Italian Green Factory which will reabsorb all the workers – 312 workers – and will train them to work in what will be the new green factory of Naples and the South. We will remember a lot about today, but above all the emotion of the workers, combined with the pride of being able to start again. We will remember the joy of the first worker hired, who arrived with her baby in her arms: a true sign of rebirth.” Soì Felice Granisso, CEO of Italian Green Factory, the Tea Tek Group company that took over the site of the former Whirlpool in Via Argine in Naples where the employment contracts were signed today in view of the reindustrialization of the area. “Thanks to everyone’s commitment – said Granisso – we will give Naples a new season of employment, investing in renewable energy: Italian Green Factory is conceived as a cutting-edge reality in the photovoltaic sector, with four fundamental assets: the production of Solar trackers, the production of Power skids with which we are aiming for 35% of the Italian market, the production of transformers and the creation of a Green Innovation Center. Research will be our flagship to develop: IOT technologies applied to renewables; innovative road panels through the partnership with the Canadian company Solar Earth, producer of panels
