The Stratford Public Library board of directors has appointed former systems librarian Krista Robinson as the library’s new CEO.

The Stratford Public Library board of directors has announced Krista Robinson, the former systems librarian who stepped in as interim CEO after previous library boss Julia Merritt left the position last year, will take on that leadership role permanently.
Robinson first began her career at the Stratford Public Library in 2001 as its information technology development librarian. In 2013, she moved into the systems librarian role, a senior leadership position.
“Having been in the systems librarian role for the last 10 years, I needed a change and the opportunity presented itself,” Robinson said. “I thought this is the perfect opportunity to move into a new leadership role and I’m looking forward to making a different type of impact in the library. The library board has been very supportive with the move, and so has the staff.”
During her time working at the library, Robinson has focused on developing a culture of learning and innovation while maintaining a robust technological foundation for both the Stratford Public Library and the Perth County Information Network, a digital library network that allows residents of Perth County, St Marys and Stratford to access all of the resources at participating local libraries.
“The (information technology development librarian) position started with creating a library website for children and a training program for computers, so teaching people how to use technology – how to use the internet – because, in 2001, it was all relatively new to people ,” Robinson said, noting she took on additional tasks as time went on including marketing and wider website development.
“As systems librarian, I was responsible for many things, including overseeing all the technology in the library, as well as the catalog system, marketing, website design and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the library building and maintenance of it, the creation of the MakerSpace and overseeing many of the tasks related to Perth County Information Network, ensuring cataloging and moving books throughout the county is a seamless process,” she added.
With 22 years experience at the library, including 10 in a senior leadership position, Robinson said she feels she has the right combination of experience to lead the Stratford Public Library into the future as the role of community libraries continues to evolve post-pandemic.
“Uses of libraries have changed during the pandemic. We know that use of our collections has changed and more people have moved to streaming services for music and movies, so we’re seeing a different use of that collection. But the use of the physical collection is skyrocketing as people are coming back and wanting to reconnect with the library,” Robinson said. “As well, our programs are expanding in amazing ways. Last summer alone, we had close to 8,000 people attend our 270 programs.”
Following the recent adoption of a new strategic plan by its board of directors – one that Robinson said is partly focused on addressing the library’s physical space needs – the library will also be looking closely at how to offer programming and resources tailored for people and communities who may not traditionally use the facility.
“Ideally, we want everybody in the city to be aware of us, to use us in some way, shape or form, whether it’s the physical space, the programs or our digital collection,” Robinson said. “We also want to make sure everyone in our community feels seen and represented so we’re doing a lot of innovative things moving forward – some new programs and partnerships. … Diversity, equity and inclusion is a priority for the board moving forward.”
Michael Corbett, the library board chair, said the entire board is “thrilled” with the skills, knowledge and experience that Robinson is bringing to her new role.
“Her extensive experience with the Stratford Public Library, her track record of innovative initiatives and her demonstrated commitment to ensuring the library is accessible to all will serve the library and Stratford well as we move forward with our new strategic plan,” he said.
Prior to Robinson taking over as interim CEO, Merritt served as the Stratford Public Library CEO for almost 10 years before taking a new job at the Annapolis Valley Regional Library in Nova Scotia.
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