Former spokeswoman Eva Goës on the Green Party’s success: “Have felt it in the air”

Härnösand is one of the Green Party’s strongest strongholds in the country. Around one in four voters in central Härnösand chose to cast their vote for the Green Party in the EU election. In total in the municipality, the party is the second largest with 17 percent, clearly above the national result of 13.8 percent.

– We have gained trust, people trust us in this city. And now we’ve also got our second mouthpiece, Amanda Lind, from Härnösand, says Eva Goës.

EU elections 2024

  • Success for the Green Party in Stockholm: Over 20 percent in the EU election

  • Lower voter turnout in the 2024 EU elections – Hylte lowest in Halland

  • Environmental activist for 43 years

    Eva Goës has been part of the Green Party since its inception in 1981, in both ups and downs, and still at the age of 77, she is an important part of the party’s election work in her hometown of Härnösand.

    When the Green Party entered the Riksdag in 1988, she was one of the contributing factors, and as spokesperson together with Birger Schlaug, she was the face of the party throughout the election campaign.

    – I want a future for my children and grandchildren, that’s why I’m fighting, she says.

    In the video you can hear her analysis of the election results.
