Former President Bozizé responds to the creation of a dissident branch of the CPC rebel group

Former President Bozize responds to the creation of a dissident

Continuation of the saga of divisions between Central African rebel groups: a week earlier, several leaders around the head of the Unit for Peace in Central Africa (UPC), Ali Darassa, announced the transformation of the CPC into CPC-F, for Coalition of Patriots for Change-Fundamental, and the sidelining of François Bozizé. This time it is the turn of the former president from 2003 to 2013 and his close associates to respond.

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It is under the pen of the person in charge of external relations, Léopold Bara, that the general coordination of the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC) – which the former head of state still claims to represent François Bozizé – denounces the birth of a competing platform around Ali Darassa.

The two-page statement points out that ” the actions of disoriented individuals, without objectives and losing notoriety “, who would have carried out yet another ” about-face ” by resuming the fight against the power in Bangui a few weeks after declaring the suspension of hostilities.

A new organization chart named by François Bozizé

Léopold Bara also announced that a letter was sent in mid-August to the Ombudsman of the Republic in Central African Republic to state ” prerequisites ” to a return to peace.

At the same time, a new organizational chart appointed by François Bozizé was published: it includes his long-time close associates and his son Jean-Francis, as military coordinator. Above all, the new number 2 is Sembé Bobo, the leader of the predominantly Peul group 3R, well established in the west of the country, on bad terms with Ali Darassa, and now the only real military force linked to François Bozizé.

Also readRCA: CPC changes name, separates from Bozizé and defines new objectives
