Former Member of Parliament with the Ukrainian army

Caroline Nordengrip sat as a member of the Riksdag for the Sweden Democrats until the 2022 election.
Then she made the decision to join the Ukrainian army.
– I felt that I could do better on the spot and that I simply could not sit still, says Nordengrip to TV4 Nyhetsmorgon via link from Ukraine.

The much talked about spring offensive is expected at any moment. Caroline Nordengrip recently received all final stamps and is now part of the regular Ukrainian army.

– For me it was an obvious choice anyway, I didn’t have to think many times. My biggest consideration was rather how I could get away and how I could find the best location to be able to help in the best way, she says.

Training soldiers

She works in the 47th Brigade as an instructor.

– It’s everything from basic soldier skills to weapon handling, everything they need to be able to get ready.

Caroline Nordengrip does not comment on when the spring offensive might start, but still says that everything is packed and that they are ready to go.

– We are really just waiting to get away now.

“I barely have time to blink”

At home, there is the family.

– They call and say they are missing one and they are worried, of course, it would be strange otherwise. I hardly have time to blink and a week has passed, or a month.

She doesn’t know how long she will stay.

– It depends a little on how the offensive goes. Right now I’m taking it one day at a time.
