former Ilva, unions on the warpath after Board of Directors flop

former Ilva unions on the warpath after Board of Directors

(Finance) – No more postponements, but concrete solutionswhich allow you to save Acciaierie d’Italia, the company born on the ashes of the former Ilva, owned by the Government, Invitalia and the multinational ArcelorMittal. A request that comes later yet another stalemate from the Board of Directorsheld this morning, and in view of themeeting tomorrow between the Government and the social partners.

A meeting awaited for ten days, which will precede the summit meeting of the steelworks at the beginning of Januaryto discuss thecapital increase and of thepurchase of systemson which the reference shareholders have not yet found the right solution, also in view of the increasingly pressing deadlines for payment for supplies. A situation that sees the executive in a lateral position, on the one hand ensuring business continuity, on the other attempting to mediate with Arcelor Mittal.

“We think that it is time for choices and not for postponements, because there is no more time”, say the general secretary of the Fim Cisl Roberto Benaglia and the national secretary Valerio D’Alò, hoping for a “concrete” meeting with the executive, aimed at “planning choices that allow, beyond the confrontation with the Mittals, to save the company and avoid an industrial and employment bloodbath”. “We think that this stalemate – they say – continues to be highly dangerous for the future of the company, employment and production of the largest European steelmaking hub”.

For the general secretary of the Uilm, Rocco Palombella, the outcome of today’s Board of Directors “is yet another demonstration, if ever there were still any need, of how the negotiation of the former Ilva is completely in the hands of ArcelorMittal”, which “continues to keep us nailed to this dramatic situation that is going forward since the summer and which cannot lead to anything good”. “Every day that passes it gets worse and worse given that deadlines are approaching – recalls the trade unionist – such as that of January 10th for the supply of gas and the payment of the contract companies”.

“The national government cannot be hostage of a multinational. The Council of Ministers, meeting in these hours, decides to take up public capital”, he denounces Loris Scarpanational steelworks coordinator for the Fiom Cgilwho adds “the former Ilva factories are in a situation that is getting worse day by day due to neglect and lack of maintenance and wasting any more time means putting the health and employment of workers, the environment, business continuity and maintenance of the plants”.

“As far as tomorrow is concerned, we expect another empty meeting. We will continue to read the usual resignation on the faces of the Ministers and of those who manage the industrial fate of this country”, they comment Sasha Colautti and Francesco Rizzo of the Confederal Executive USBadding “we will reiterate our position, which cannot ignore the immediate ouster of Arcelor Mittal. This country must reclaim its future, starting from strategic choices on work, environment, health and safety”.
