Former GTA producer Leslie Benzies’ new game Everywhere announced

Former GTA producer Leslie Benzies new game Everywhere announced

It came from the first video Gamescom fair for the new open world game of Leslie Benzies, one of the names that made the GTA brand GTA.

If you follow GTA games closely, you know how important the name Leslie Benzies is for this series. Benzies, one of the most important names of Rockstar, started working on a new game production after leaving the company, and this game first appeared in 2020. A $40.8 million investment for Everywhere in 2020 Benzies’ new game was finally revealed at the Gamescom keynote.

The first video for Leslie Benzies’ new game Everywhere has arrived

Everywhere, which is stated to have been under development for five years, will be a production with open world dynamics. The game’s description states, “EVERYWHERE is a new multi-world gaming experience developed by Build A Rocket Boy that blurs the lines between reality and the digital world.” statements are included. We can say that this difference can be revealed according to the story of the game, which contains different tones visually.

Leslie Benzies signed an investment contract with Build a Rocket Boy, which he founded, and Netease, one of China’s important technology companies. Netase is a company that we have come across before, especially with its large investments in games. The company most recently invested $100 million in Destiny 2 and became one of Activision’s major partners in the country.

Benzies previously said, “There are many classic game dynamics in the game Everywhere, but we are also coming to create new dynamics.” had made a statement. You can check out the announcement video of the game below.
