Former defense politician: “The atmosphere became fierce”

The Russian fund, which is linked to the Russian intelligence service, has paid out around one million kroner to its Swedish branch in the last ten years. It is revealed in a document leak from a European intelligence source.

The money has, among other things, gone to law firms and conferences – and according to experts, has been part of Russia’s influence work abroad.

Paid Malmö conference

The documents show that 34,650 euros, corresponding to over 300,000 kroner, financed a conference organized in Malmö in 2014 by the “Fund for the Support and Defense of Human Rights for Russians Abroad”, which in practice is the Russian state fund Pravfond.

One of the invited speakers was the Liberals’ then-leading defense politician Allan Widman, who is now the governor of Kalmar County.

He says that at the time as a politician he participated in local events organized by a number of different actors.

– It was a different time. For example, I agreed to the Left Party’s youth association to talk about violent extremism, they were available.

“The atmosphere became very fierce”

Allan Widman gave a speech in which, among other things, he directed criticism at the Russian annexation of Crimea, something that is confirmed by a meeting participant SVT has been in contact with.

– I remember that the atmosphere became very violent when I repeated what was Sweden’s official position, namely that the annexation of Crimea was in conflict with international law.

Why did you accept?

– I had no idea that it was Kremlin-financed. Had I known it was as you describe it, I wouldn’t have gone there.
