Former Burkinabè President Compaoré soon to return to Ouagadougou

Former Burkinabe President Compaore soon to return to Ouagadougou

The former president of Burkina Faso Blaise Compaoré is expected in the coming days in Ouagadougou, after his exile in Côte d’Ivoire since his overthrow in 2014. Judged in his absence during the trial of the assassins of Thomas Sankara, he must notably meet the new strong man, Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba.

With our correspondent in Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani

According to a source close to the former president, exiled in Abidjan since his fall in October 2014, Blaise Compaoré will be in Burkina Faso in the coming days. ” It’s already done, we’re just waiting for the specific day of this trip “, confides this source to RFI.

Another source in Ouagadougou confirms the contacts. ” It is the wish of President Paul Henri Damiba to meet him, within the framework of national reconciliation. “, Underlines this source, but it specifies that no firm confirmation has been given for the moment: neither the format nor the duration of this next visit have been defined for the time being.

According to our sources, several members of Blaise Compaoré’s family are working on the file and it is in concert with his people that all the details will be decided.

This announced visit by former President Blaise Compaoré is a logical continuation of the meeting between the two other former Presidents, Jean Baptiste Ouédraogo and Roch Marc Christian Kabore, with Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba a few days ago. Contact has also been established with other former heads of state in Burkina Faso, our source says.

Read also: Burkina Faso: the thorny question of the return of Blaise Compaoré, sentenced to life imprisonment
