Forgotten shoe of the Manitu supply, which has been around for 7 years

Forgotten shoe of the Manitu supply which has been around

At the beginning of the year, Michael “Bully” Herbig unexpectedly announced a sequel to his cult comedy Der Schuh des Manitu. The sequel, entitled Das Kanu des Manitu, is set to hit theaters in August 2025. Fans are already wondering what a second part of the wacky western parody will look like.

Bully & Co. already provided a kind of answer in 2017 in Bullyparade – The Movie. In it there is, among other things, a A good 30-minute long segment in the shoe of the Manitu style which many fans of the 2001 hit may not even know. The Bullyparade film will be shown on Sat.1 on Sunday evening.

Unofficial Schuh des Manitu sequel on TV: Bullyparade film delivers new material

The Bullyparade film starts right at the beginning with a western part that comes across as an unofficial shoe of the Manitu sequel. Bully and Christian Tramitz play their signature roles again and, thanks to expired Karl May rights, are allowed this time really Winnetou and Old Shatterhand be called.

As a typically crazy gag spectacle with lots of weird dialects, wordplay and situational comedy, the plot revolves around Winnetou, who visits his old friend 15 years after an argument because he wants him to be his best man for his planned wedding to the daughter of General Motors.

But Old Shatterhand is being pursued by a bounty hunter because he is alleged to have murdered US President Abraham Lincoln. While stars like Sky du Mont are back in the game, it is noticeable that the character Winnetouch from the 2001 movie no longer appears. This may already be an indication that Bully will also dispense with the polarizing character in The Canoe of Manitu, which will be released in 2025.

Here you can watch a trailer for the Bullyparade film:

Bullyparade The Movie – Trailer (German) HD

When will the Bullyparade film be on TV?

Sat.1 will broadcast the Bullyparade film on June 16, 2024 at 20:15 Alternatively, you can stream the film with your Amazon Prime subscription. *

The Shoe of Manitu sequel The Canoe of Manitu is said to be 14 August 2025 come to German cinemas.

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