Did you know that preheating the oven was not always useful? Save the savings and time saving!
The oven is an essential in the kitchens. It allows you to cook good little dishes such as a roast chicken, pies or even lasagna. But it is also one of the most energy -consuming devices. It is however very simple to save some savings.
When you prepare an oven dish, it has almost become a reflex to preheat the device. The majority of recipes require it, and it is often considered an essential step in the kitchen. However, it is not always necessary. In some cases, you can not only skip this step, and thus save energy and time.
Be careful, you are not told here to forget this instruction. For many recipes, it is essential to respect this preheating step because many preparations need a specific temperature from the start to be successful. This is the case, for example, of roasted vegetables, pizzas, bread, brioche, soufflés, puffs, red meat that should be seized, or cakes whose yeast needs a thermal shock To have its effect.
But in which case can we go this step? Certain preparations perfectly accommodate a cold start -up, or even gain in quality. White meats such as roast pork or whole chicken, or simmered meats, can be put directly in an unsupported oven. By starting cold, the progressive temperature climb allows softer cooking, which helps meat to remain tender and juicy. In addition, this avoids thermal shocks which can dry out certain parts.

For potato, vegetables or pasta gratins, the same thing. It is often useless to preheat the oven. These dishes cook slowly and evenly thanks to their liquid content (milk, cream or sauce). This allows ingredients to soak up flavors while gradually cooking. This is also the case with pies and quiches. You can forget the preheating step. They also do not claim a burning oven from the start.
Ditto when you cook frozen products, such as pizzas, lasagna or quiches, there is no need to preheat. These products require defrosting and prolonged cooking time, which is done very well with an oven that is gradually heating. And to go even further, you can save even more by turning off your oven 10 minutes before the end of cooking. The oven will stay hot for a while, and this will be enough to finish cooking your dish, without using additional electricity.