What if we told you that Brussels sprouts have never been so delicious?
Brussels sprouts have traumatized generations of children. Who doesn’t have this unfortunate memory of Brussels sprouts served boiled on the plate in the canteen, with a bitter taste and acrid smell? The most unloved of vegetables, however, has enormous health benefits. Che vegetable is full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and powerful antioxidants. Furthermore, its regular consumption is particularly beneficial for preventing certain cancers as well as cardiovascular diseases, particularly in elderly women. To top it off, made up of 90% water, it has a very low energy value! What if we told you that it is possible to enhance it like never before?
To transform this little unloved cabbage into a real treat, we revisit it in the pan in a fatty substance. Returned for a few minutes in the pan over high heat, in a little olive oil or butter, its slightly caramelized color will give it slightly sweet notes.

In his emission Small, balanced dishesthe French culinary columnist Laurent Mariotte puts forward a dish of Brussels sprouts with Italian flavors, simple as pie. Only three ingredients are enough: the crucifer in question, parmesan and lemon! To make this recipe for 4 people, you will need 1 kilo of Brussels sprouts, a lemon, a block of whole or shaved parmesan and of course, olive oil, salt and pepper. Follow the recipe step by step:
- Prune Brussels sprouts by removing damaged stems and leaves
- Rinse with clean water
- Cut in half
- Blanch in boiling salted water for 2 minutes
- Stop the cooking quickly by plunging the Brussels sprouts into iced water to maintain the color of the green cabbage.
- Dry in a clean cloth to soften the taste of the vegetable.
- Brown on all sides in a pan with olive oil.
- Season with salt and pepper then add the zest and juice of the lemon to the preparation.
- Mix well and add parmesan shavings. It’s ready!
Brussels sprouts also go very well with a smoked bacon and honey sauce or a carbonara sauce with egg yolk and pecorino. As you will have understood, these inventive recipes are nevertheless very simple to make and restore Brussels sprouts, a cruciferous plant with unsuspected benefits, to its letters of nobility.