Fallout is currently experiencing enormous hype thanks to the new series on Amazon Prime. All parts of the series have a new influx of players – even Fallout 76, which was initially so heavily criticized. The survival MMO, of all things, is your best start right now.
This is what Fallout 76 is currently doing:
By the way, Fallout 76 is one of the best survival games ever:
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All Fallout games are currently experiencing an upswing. There are always reports on social media from new players who are now finding their way into the crazy post-war world – and tips from veterans on how best to live together in the wasteland.
Fallout 4 is currently the part of the series with the most players and has apparently benefited the most from the hype. However, the part does not offer what you can experience with Fallout 76.
In the video we summarize what you need to know about Fallout 76 in 2 minutes:
Everything you need to know about Fallout 76 – in 2 minutes
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Fallout 76 offers what no other Fallout has
What makes the game so special? Fallout 76 is the first Fallout ever to offer a built-in multiplayer mode. What’s more, you always play with 24 people on a map. This is a feature that many fans of the series have wanted for years and Fallout 76 has it.
In addition, Fallout 76 has no “ending”. You play through the earlier Fallout parts. After the story is basically over. With a few mods or using the building system you can squeeze out a little more playing time, but that’s it.
In Fallout 76 you just keep leveling up. You can even unlock additional skills after the actual max level of 50, the legendary perks. You can always find new items or buy them from other players to perfect your build – almost like in Diablo and Co.
A bonus: you can easily recreate and play the heroes from the series. We have already presented a build for Lucy with everything you need to play.
How easy is it to get started with Fallout 76? Very easy. Fallout 76 takes you by the hand right from the start and leads you step by step through the wasteland. You should just stick roughly to where the game takes you. There are a few areas where enemies are simply stronger and can kill you quite easily.
The community is considered extremely friendly. As in every MMO, there are a few griefers who want to make you suffer, but they are in the absolute minority. Most of the time, veterans will throw you a few resources without asking or even give you really strong equipment – they have enough.
If you still prefer to play alone or just with friends, you can alternatively start a private world. To do this, however, you need a paid subscription to Fallout 1st.
Fallout 76: The German trailer for the “America’s Playground” update
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Is Fallout 4 the “worse” Fallout?
Fallout 76 is the best option for anyone who liked the Fallout series and is now looking for a game to get started. Simply because it is the latest Fallout and, as a live service game, constantly receives updates. You’ve had it here for the longest time. And the game is still available for free with Prime Gaming.
As a single-player game, Fallout 4 will end at some point. On Reddit, for example, players praise the fact that in Fallout 76 they still have something to do after the story, can explore the world and experience stories.
So is Fallout 4 bad? No. It’s actually considered one of the better games in the series. However, many fans rely on mods to make the game more enjoyable. If you’re still looking for a single-player Fallout to get you started, we recommend:
In any case, the games are worth taking a look at. The Fallout series has a charm that no other game series has really been able to replicate. A special combination of twisted humor, adult themes and pragmatic cruelty make them unique. It’s not for nothing that the games are among the best apocalyptic games ever.