It is 15 times less fat than avocado.
The cold and humidity put a strain on our immunity and we are more likely to get sick. We must favor a diet rich in good nutrients and vitamins to boost the immune system and get through these gray months in good health. “Orange” vegetables are among the most interesting because their color guarantees a high content of carotenoids, plant pigments which have antioxidant properties. Examples include carrots, sweet potatoes and squashes such as pumpkin, gourd, squash or butternut squash.
Less known in France and little mentioned in autumn recipes, another squash nevertheless displays a very interesting nutritional profile and presents several health benefits. Once cooked, “the starch it contains helps break down sugars, which helps support healthy and stable blood sugar levels“, report American researchers in a study conducted on organic farming (Rodale Institute). It is a good source of dietary fiber, thus facilitating digestion and weight management. “Better yet, it strengthens the immune system thanks to its richness in phenols, vitamin A, vitamin C. (one portion covers 40% of daily needs, editor’s note) and minerals (potassium, iron, manganese and magnesium)“, continue the researchers.
This squash that we know less about is the butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata) recognizable by its spherical and ribbed appearance. Nutritionally speaking, it has everything right. Taste-wise too: its melting flesh and slightly sweet taste when cooked make it a versatile squash, which is available in soup, puree, gratin, oven-roasted, or in a pie like a “pumpkin pie”. , but also as a “spread” on toast for breakfast. An excellent alternative to jam (10 times less sweet) and avocado (15 times less fat).
To make a butternut squash spread, peel it (the skins are thick) and cut it into small cubes to cook in the oven until soft. Mix with a tablespoon of olive oil and the spices of your choice (pepper, paprika, chili pepper, nutmeg, garlic powder, etc.). If you prefer a “sweet” version, replace the spices with cinnamon, vanilla powder, a little almond extract or a few raisins.