Foreign newspapers recounted Marini’s achievements, but reminded of the national debt and party videos

Foreign newspapers recounted Marinis achievements but reminded of the national

Politico described Marin as a “star of the European left”.

Prime minister Sanna Marini (sd.)’s announcement on Wednesday that he no longer intends to run for chairman of the Social Democrats in the fall was also noticed by the world.

The French news agency AFP reminded that Marin has been Finland’s most popular prime minister for decades, but has also divided the nation at the same time.

According to AFP, some Finns consider Marini a strong leader who successfully piloted his country through the corona pandemic and made the military alliance a member of NATO. Critics, on the other hand, have paid attention to the growth of the national debt and Marin’s party videos that have received a lot of attention.

According to AFP, Marin has defended his achievements and accused the coalition of “wanting to take from the poor and give to the rich”.

According to the Swedish afternoon newspaper Expressen, Marin himself admitted that his time as prime minister has been exhausting and he needs rest. Expressen also reminded that Marini said that the resignation is not directly due to the election loss, even if the decision matures after that.

In its news about Marin’s resignation, the Washington Post also highlighted the prime minister’s achievements during the corona pandemic and the fact that he was piloting Finland’s NATO together with President Sauli Niinistö. In addition, the magazine reminded that Marin has become known as a solid supporter and defender of Ukraine.

Politico described Marin as “the star of the European left”, but emphasized that the citizens’ concern about the economy cost the Social Democrats the election victory.
