Foreign Affairs, Tajani: “Strategic solidarity between Italy and the USA”

Foreign Affairs Tajani Strategic solidarity between Italy and the USA

(Finance) – Between Italy and the United States “there is a strategic solidarity”, which is based on “strong ties” and on a policy “focused on the defense of freedom and democracy”. That’s what he said today Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in a joint press conference with the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington. “We are in agreement on Ukraine” and on the fact that its population is “the victim of an invasion”, added the minister, also underlining a community of ideas on the Balkans.

“There will soon be one Giorgia Meloni’s visit to the United States – announced Tajani -. The premier will see President Joe Biden to further strengthen the partnership between the two countries”. A visit that has continued to postpone in recent months, from March to May, and now in late June or early July.meeting between Meloni and Biden in fact, it will be an opportunity to clarify Italy’s position vis-à-vis China in the light of the request made by the US president in the first bilateral meeting with the Italian premier in Bali: withdraw from the Silk Road. There is time until December 22 to exit the Belt and Road Initiative and the government’s goal is to seek a balance with Beijing in view of the decision to be taken in order to avoid Chinese retaliation. Palazzo Chigi aims to make the line of a progressive exit from the Belt and Road prevail in comparison with the US in order to avoid fractures with China while Beijing is mediating in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. One hypothesis is to compensate for a way out of the pact with new agreements with China. For this reason, the watchword, for the moment, has been “prevaricating”.

“There China it must not supply any weapon to a country that has violated international laws such as Russia – the Foreign Minister said today -. I hope Beijing works for peace in Ukraine”.

About the visit of the Prime Minister to Tunisia Tajani stressed that the Italian government wants “good solutions”. “We must – he said – be pragmatic, keep talking to the Tunisians with the aim of reaching an agreement with the EU, with Italy, with the IMF”.

On the front Born Tajani stressed that “Italy strongly wants the Sweden come in and – he added – we are working towards this. The objective is membership for Stockholm by the Vilnius summit” which will take place in July.
